Various, durable warning, marking, car, shop window, floor stickers.
Sticker printing for packaging, advertising. The shape, size and color scheme of the sticker can be any.
We print and cutting stickers, as well as laminate and varnish. To determine the exact price, it is important to know the size, quantity, application, ussage.
Wide format stickers printing prices:
Quantity m2 | Price EUR/m2 |
1-2 | 35,00 |
3-4 | 12,00 |
5-10 | 11,00 |
11-50 | 9,50 |
51< | 9,00 |
* All prices of printing include white economic adhesive film, 80 microns. Suitable for indoor and outdoor usage.
* Price of print is calculated by running meters.
* Printed and plottered (cut-to-edge) adhesive film price: 35,00 EUR/m2.
* Printed, laminated sticker price: 45,00 EUR/m2.
The most popular automobile decals are plotter cut on vinyl films of various tones. These are used for preparing inscriptions, logos, contact information, decoration as well as complete car covering (auto wrapping).
For the most durable option (guaranteed for 12 years) we offer Avery Supreme Wrapping Film in 100 different colors.
Car film printing, lamination and plottering: 45 EUR/m2 (warranty 5-7 years).
Car films from Pantone catalog and plottering: 40 EUR/m2 (warranty 5-7 years).
Each project calculate individually, ask our project managers for the prices, CONTACTS.
Printed car stickers are made out of special car film (most commonly it is white polymer adhesive film Avery series, for exploitation of up to 6 years). After the printing of the sticker it is lacquered, to ensure a long-term fixity and protection from UV rays and the abrasive impact of environment. The costs depend on size, exploitation length, plottering, lacquering and other factors. You will receive a precise price of sticker printing when you will send us a layout and tell us about your wishes.
* What is plottering: HERE
We produce different shop window stickers and wraps out of white, colourful, see through or perforated adhesive film.
We print and cover floor stickers with anti-slip floor laminate.
Production of a floor sticker: 37 EUR / m2.
Perforated adhesive film is perfect for storefront window wrapping and design. As this film is covered in holes (average diameter of a hole is 1.2 mm) it provides a double effect - from the outside is visible your advertisement, but from the inside can be seen all what is going on outside. In order to prevent a light from shining through the film and for the advertisement to be seen, we advise you to choose a perforated film with black coloured back side.
The price for perforated film 35 EUR/m2.
Precise price for your storefront window sticker we will provide upon layout receiving. Prices depend on different factors: size, material, printing technology, exploitation length, etc.
We also provide professional decals labeling, our master goes out to measure and paste.
Our accomplished works: GALLERY
*All printing prices are given in EURO without VAT.
SIA "Digitālā Pele" speciālisti ir atsaucīgi un vienmēr sniedz konsultācijas mūs interesējošos jautājumos. Uzņēmuma darbinieki ir pretim nākoši, ar vēlmi meklēt risinājumus nestandarta situācijās. Līdzšinējās sadarbības periodā SIA "Digitālā Pele" sevi ir pierādījusi kā drošu partneri, kas veic uzticētos darbus augstā kvalitātē un norunātajos termiņos.
Stock company “Latvijas Zaļais punkts” is the oldest and most experienced organization whose primary goal is to promote environmental responsibility among manufacturers. The company sorts and recycles used packaging, worn-out electrical devices and other discarded products that are harmful for the environment. As part of its strategy, “Latvijas Zaļais punkts” has established a program to promote the involvement of society and enterpreneurs. To this end it regularly places orders with Digital Mouse Ltd to print recycling posters, as well as stickers for dividend garbage containers, flyers and forms.
Lielisks uzņēmums, radošs ar profesionālu kolektīvu, laicīgām atbildēm! Patīk ka vienmēr tiek atrasts risinājums problēmām, nodrošinot pasūtījumus ar augstu kvalitāti!
Ātri, rūpīgi, ar individuālu attieksmi. Uzvarēja cenu aptaujā par bukletu iespiešanu. Paldies, paldies, paldies! :)
Vēlos pateikt sirsnīgu un lielu PALDIES Jānim Dreiškinam par izcilo un profesionālo apkalpošanu!
I´m swedish editor and also responsible for publisher of O-boken, a swedish annual yerabook about orienteering all over the world. We hade cooperate with Digitala Mouse ltd since printing of O-boken 2009 in Latvia and is very satisfied with almost everything in our contacts. The printing of O-boken includes almost all types of graphic formats. And we think Digitala Mouse is one of the best map-printers in the world and that they can handle all types of printing. The printquality in the last O-boken 2014 is very close to perfect. Johnny Fransson, Ärla 13/1-2015
I have order some full print t-shirt and the printing quality is just stunning, incredibly sharp and high resolution!
Radoša, atraktīva un uzticama komanda, kas vienmēr saviem klientiem nodrošinās lielisku kvalitāti par teicamu cenu, draudzīgu un pretimnākošu attieksmi.
Digital Mouse Ltd is very easy to work with and they also give fast answer in emails and on skype when I need support or price for a new project. Printing is done with best quality and delivery time have never been a problem, even if the company is placed on the other side of Östersjön. I´m very happy to co-operate with Digitalmouse and will for sure print more works at their company in the future.
Prieks sadarboties, paveica vajadzīgo ātrāk nekā pat tika cerēts. Iesaku visiem, kuri vēlas radīt kaut ko personalizētu, sagatavot ko īpašu. Paldies par laipnumu!
Darbinieki - atsaucīgi, radoši, pozitīvi. Sniedza palīdzigu roku pēdēja brīdī un visu paspēja laikus kā arī augstākajā kvalitātē. PALDIES!
Paldies par izcilu servisu
Kvalitatīvi, precīzi, vienmēr laikā un par lielisku cenu. Atsaucīga komanda - īpašs paldies Andrim Kalniņam!
Zemākā cena par labāko kvalitāti! Ātrs temps + strādā 24/7 :) Iesaku!
Laba kvalitāte, ātrs serviss un laba cena! Paldies!
Tiešām MILZĪGS PALDIES! Sevišķi Renātei Ieviņai, kas veiksmīgi tika galā ar mūsu superīsos termiņos uzticēto lielo (no daudzām mazām lietām sastāvošo)darbu. Apbrīnoju gan Jūsu apņemšanos, gan ieguldījumu, apkalpojot Jums nezināmu klientu. Paldies arī meistariem, kas visu vajadzīgo steidzami saražoja ļoti labā kvalitātē.