A4 (210x297mm) Letterheads printing prices::
Amount pcs. | Price EUR; 4+0 (full color one side print) | Price EUR; 1+0 (black and white print) |
100 | 30,00 | 21,00 |
200 | 45,00 | 22,00 |
500 | 70,00 | 31,59 |
700 | 75,00 | 43,58 |
1000 | 81,50 | 52,15 |
2000 | 128,00 | 93,91 |
5000 | 215,00 | 150,74 |
* Prices of letterheads printing includes office paper 90g.
Die-cutting 225 x 310 x 6 mm
Amount pcs. |
200 | 321,00 | |
300 | 373,00 | |
500 | 416,00 | |
1000 | 648,00 |
* Prices of presentation folders printing includes cardbord 290g, die-cut.
* Additional: thermal laminating, UV coating.
Envelope's prices for one sided printing.
Type of envelope POSTFIX | Amount | Number of colors | Price EUR | ||||
C6 (162x114mm) envelopes with printing |
1000 |
C5 (229x162mm) envelopes with printing |
1000 |
C65 (229x114mm) envelopes with printing |
1000 |
C4 (229x324mm) | 1000 |
* Envelope prices for both sided printing (contacts printed on second side) additional 22 EUR.
* All prices in EURO without VAT.
Piedāvājam izveidot veidlapu, aplokšņu maketu, grafisko dizainu, portfolio un cenas ŠEIT.
Pasūtījumiem virs 100 EUR piegāde - BEZ MAKSAS - Rīgā un Ogrē.
Minimālais pasūtījums: 25 EUR
Visas cenas ir norādītas EUR bez PVN.
Laba kvalitāte, ātrs serviss un laba cena! Paldies!
Kompliments Jums par sadarbību un pakalpojuma sniegšanās ātrumu! Lieliska komunikācija.Nepieciešamības gadījumā, vērsīsimies pie Jums atkārtoti, jo esiet ieinteresēti, lai klients justos apmierināts .
Ļoti ātrs un kvalitatīvs darbs. Darba izpilde vienas dienas laikā. Atsaucīgi darbinieki. Prieks bija sadarboties. Liels Jums Paldies!!!!
Zemākā cena par labāko kvalitāti! Ātrs temps + strādā 24/7 :) Iesaku!
Digital Mouse Ltd has repeatedly proven through constant cooperation with us that it can find the most suitable service, convenient in terms of execution, which takes the overall best approach – even in non-standard situations. Digital Mouse LTd delivers high quality at a reasonable price and is a strong competitor in its field.
Tiešām MILZĪGS PALDIES! Sevišķi Renātei Ieviņai, kas veiksmīgi tika galā ar mūsu superīsos termiņos uzticēto lielo (no daudzām mazām lietām sastāvošo)darbu. Apbrīnoju gan Jūsu apņemšanos, gan ieguldījumu, apkalpojot Jums nezināmu klientu. Paldies arī meistariem, kas visu vajadzīgo steidzami saražoja ļoti labā kvalitātē.
Foršs uzņēmums ar atsaucīgu, ļoti izpalīdzīgu un galvenais kompetentu personālu. Ne vienu reizi vien Digitālā Pele ir "glābusi mūsu ādu" :D Paldies, par visu, ko esat mūsu labā darījuši. Paldies Jūsu vadītājiem, par spēju uzturēt motivāciju savos darbiniekos. Paldies, ka varam uz Jums paļauties ;)
Paldies par izcilu servisu
I´m swedish editor and also responsible for publisher of O-boken, a swedish annual yerabook about orienteering all over the world. We hade cooperate with Digitala Mouse ltd since printing of O-boken 2009 in Latvia and is very satisfied with almost everything in our contacts. The printing of O-boken includes almost all types of graphic formats. And we think Digitala Mouse is one of the best map-printers in the world and that they can handle all types of printing. The printquality in the last O-boken 2014 is very close to perfect. Johnny Fransson, Ärla 13/1-2015
Stock company “Latvijas Zaļais punkts” is the oldest and most experienced organization whose primary goal is to promote environmental responsibility among manufacturers. The company sorts and recycles used packaging, worn-out electrical devices and other discarded products that are harmful for the environment. As part of its strategy, “Latvijas Zaļais punkts” has established a program to promote the involvement of society and enterpreneurs. To this end it regularly places orders with Digital Mouse Ltd to print recycling posters, as well as stickers for dividend garbage containers, flyers and forms.
Vienmēr izmantojam Jūsu pakalpojumus, kad tas nepieciešams, - ātri, ērti un vienkārši. Ir izveidojusies laba komunikācija. Paldies!
Darbinieki - atsaucīgi, radoši, pozitīvi. Sniedza palīdzigu roku pēdēja brīdī un visu paspēja laikus kā arī augstākajā kvalitātē. PALDIES!
Gribu teikt lielu paldies par foršo, draudzīgo attieksmi, individualitāti un darba kvalitāti!
As one of Finland’s top exporters of log houses it's very important for us to have high quality advertising materials. Digital mouse has proven to be a great partner. Good customer service, knowledge of different materials and excellent prints are a proof of their reliability. We have ordered many brochures and business cards and have been pleased every occasion.
My cards have arrived, yay! I am so pleased with them all, can really recommend printing with Digital Mouse!
Kvalitatīvi, precīzi, vienmēr laikā un par lielisku cenu. Atsaucīga komanda - īpašs paldies Andrim Kalniņam!